I wish to convey my sincerest gratitude to
all the customers who have been giving their affections and love for
Dae Heung Bobbin Co.,Ltd.
Dae Heung Bobbin Co.,Ltd. shall endeavor
to our utmost to continue to meet the requests of our customers
until our product can incite affection for us, and to continue to
research and put effortsuntil we can manufacture the best quality bobbin in
the world.
In addition, Dae Heung Bobbin Co.,Ltd. on
the foundation of technology and know-how accumulated over
the last 20 years in all aspects of the products of electronics
industry in the world.
I now seek for your kind encouragement and
support so that Dae Heung Bobbin Co.,Ltd. can grow along with our
customers in the era of rapidly changing global economy and
The best product in the
Dae Heung Bobbin Co.,Ltd shall be the one
to achieve this goal.
Thant you very much.
Choong Sik, Jee